Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I'd like to begin tonight by thanking all of the people who have given the support and love that has carried me through high school. I'd like to give special thanks first of all to one of my teachers, Mr. Curt Johnson. Mr. Johnson teaches with so much passion and has shown all of his students so much love that it has inspired me throughout my high school years to achieve more than I thought possible. Thanks a lot Mr. Johnson. I'd also like to thank my father for his guidance and my athletic ability and my mother, who is the hardest working woman that I have ever met. They have raised me in a strong and loving family and I thank them. As I stand here, looking out at the largest class to ever graduate from Tiger High School I see my other family. My brothers and sisters who have shared a deep friendship and companionship. Many of us have survived hard times together and there were times we cried together. But there have also been the good times, the times like tonight when it seems like high school should never end and that our family here at SHS will endure for all time. I have lov...

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